Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Clock Based on Arduino I2C by Using RTC DS1307 and 16x2 LCD display Based on PCF8574 

It is a very simple project based on Arduino board and the communication between the Arduino board and RTC and LCD is based on I2C Bus. Two Library are used in this project and are available on line named as DS1307RTC and another is LiquidCrystal_V1.2.1 

The Schematic of the connection is as under
The video is also uploaded on youtube

It is to be take care while connecting the LCD display and PCF8574 based board. it is to be verified that what pin is going to connect whit what.  

The Sketch is also online. Please Click here to download my sketch to run this clock.


  1. What would prevent this sketch from restarting and displaying date & time after power is removed and restored? It repowers to a blank display until a different sketch is downloaded, then after reload of your date-time sketch it works perfect.

  2. when i upload your code,it show error DS1307RTC.h:19:22: error: 'tmElements_t' has not been declared
    thanks for the answer
